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Saturday 24 September 2011

Fright Night (2011)

Story, welcome to a little world of Fright Night, where Charley Brewster (Anton Yelchin) starts to suspect his neighbour Jerry (Colin Farrell) is a vampire thanks to his old nerdy friend Ed (Christopher Mintz-Passe) who tries to convince Charley when one of their old friends and many other students at their school start to go missing. Charley at first does not believe Ed as he has mainly considered him the nerdy kid he used to hang out with when he was little, a life which he wishes he could forget so been predictable first leaves doubt to believe Ed as it might just be one of his nerdy games but the night where they check their old friends house with no one to be found which leaves an argument Charley and Ed, later the next morning he soon finds Ed to missing along the crowd as well.

Now one of the main reasons why i quite like this film is because the main character played by Anton really is not the good guy in the film, the film does not really go in to it much but you get an idea of what his life was like that he used hang around with his old nerdy but good friends but gave it all up as many do strive to be the cool kid and want to hang out with the cool kids in school/college and his character in this has actually succeeded, he got the good looking girl in college and got the friends he always wanted but of course as we all would think, at what cost? Now that I have gone through that this film in sense to me is quite believable in its odd way, as those events happen to people everyday in their everyday life’s which I think making it quite believable is great way for the audience to like the film before the action even kicks off.

Actors, well as many would say David Tennant and Colin Farrell where certainly the best performances in the film, Colin Farrell mainly showing a different side to his acting skills rather been a member of the police force or Alexander the great. David Tennant was simply David Tennant, his performance was great and he certainly is a brilliant actor but he simply played his Doctor Who character which is a positive and a negative at the same time as it would of been nice to see a different side to him for a change. Charley Brewster and the other main angst up teens do their job, to make it that almost teen horror film but thankfully the film did not consist of just gore and sex. Action, can almost come across of line where this film can be believable as many action films or sequences it happens usually in the most unbelievable circumstances but when Colin Farrell decides, well I best kill these people, it seems a very believable situation especially when he decides to attack Charley's mother rather than just the teens in the film as many horror tend to do like its their creed to the horror film industry. You get quite a bit of gore at certain points but it isn't to the but of insanity which ruins the film reputation and there is some classic vampire disintegration from sunlight which was certainly a good way to show of the effects and the technology used in the film making. 3D did have the odd good point in the film where the film did feel in the room with you but beside the point I think if there was anything unnecessary about the film would certainly be the 3D part of it.

The Vampire, throughout the many years, there has always been certain vampire look in the film industry, I think this one certainly pulled of a more classic look to what the vampire should really look like instead of throughout more recent films the vampire still remains more human in its appearance but in Fright Night, well I'll leave you decide what appearance it decides to have for a change.

Overall, a interesting believable horror film with a side order of gore which is fun and will certainly leave you wanting to see it for a second time

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