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Monday 23 July 2012

Moon (2009)

Welcome to the Moon...

Story, Sam bell (Sam Rockwell) a secluded  mining extractor on our well know distant neighbour the moon for helium gases to help resolve earth's energy crisis but Sam bell finally  nearing the end of his three year long contract may reach insanity first rather than Earth. Probably already succumbed to loneliness way before three years, his only friends  been  Gerty  (voiced by Kevin Spacey)  he  soon starts to have vivid hallucinations of his daughter and memory loss near the end of his three year contract to which he comes across a discovery where  it will leave him running into a very familiar face and questioning his very own existence. Without giving to much of the story away, when the film sets of it starts to leave you with questions

Characters, Sam Rockwell does an amazing performance with his roles which gives us a great understanding of the character he portrays throughout the film with the emotions and effects of what been really lonely can do to you. Kevin Spacey only doing a voice of an assistance AI may not have any main role but given what he does , he does it extremely well and I prefer his character than Sam's in some respects as been a character without a face the only way the emotions are portrayed through Gerty are smilies which we only usually see on the internet , it is  probably one of the best things and what I love about this character and what I liked in the film.

The main reasons to why I love this film is its style, its done very simply and gives of this very indie feel to it to which I love and it also used model miniatures during the film, I thought that was a really nice touch to it and was good to rely on old ideas and technology which really made it fresh, it almost makes it a shame that people do not really rely on model miniatures anymore. The last and the best thing I love about this is it's all about the story, there isn't really any form of action in this film, it's completely story driven on the phycology and Sam Rockwells life and that's what it should be.

Some other nice little touches in the film which I really loved would be Sam's belongings and the clothing he wears throughout, it gives a feel to what Sam used to be like and his life on Earth before he became so lonely and leaves the question to why he is even here in the first place.

Overall a nice simple film, to which it's nice to see something so simple in the vast amount of space.

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