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Tuesday 26 July 2011

Kick-Ass (2010)

Characters and story, Dave Lizewski/Kick-Ass which is played by Aaron Johnson where by day he plays Dave, a dumb ass college student that during his time at college he likes to look at his teachers melons let say but he is looking for that one true love like all superhero's with their girl next door. By night he plays as Kick Ass who is still a dumb ass but he is looking for his way to fame as the true hero from all the comic book characters which we all know and love, funny enough he makes his claim to fame from the world of the internet, its amazing what you can do these days. Mindy Macready/Hit Girl which is played by Chloe Moretz, probably one the most influential characters to people to know and love in this film, a girl who has never had a proper childhood, a girl who would probably rather have a hand grenade for Christmas than a tangerine in her Christmas stocking. Damon Macready/Big Daddy played by Nicholas Cage, the guy who constantly is getting mistaken to Batman, a man looking for revenge for false chargers and the loss of his wife. Chris D'Amico/Red Mist who is played by Christopher Mintz Plasse who is simply another dumb ass college student who wants to follow in his fathers business which sadly Frank D'Amico (Mark Strong) is the gang lord in this town which seems his business is been run down by mask crusaders one block at a time. For all these characters in this film, they fit perfectly with the story and even the side characters fit very well into this plot which does not happen every day in films.

Acting when it comes to the serious points of the film is quite emotionally effective and you do at times feel quite sorry for the characters and understand why they are suffering.
There is a lot of comedy in this film which even though sometimes not necessary it works quite well with the story but even so every actor in this film seems to become quite a good comedian with each and every moment looking to add a sly pun which can get quite annoying sometimes. The action scenes in this film is probably some of the best I have ever scene since the Matrix, well perhaps not The Matrix but it is certainly above par, it is well done and balanced, gory but effective to realistic and to me is one of my favourite things about this film as it redefines comic book films all together which are usually mild, not to much violence and swearing to this which is completely opposite leaving it much darker than other super hero films.

This film does show one good truth of society that most people watch bad things happen to people each day on the street and do nothing about it, or even record it which seem to happen alot within the film. Overall a great film which has become one of my personal favourites in its genre, it may not have the qualities of artistic and a film that 
makes you really think about its plot and story but its there for its purpose and is done brilliantly well. 

Gamer (2009)

Thumbelina (1994)

The Terminator (1984)

The Prestige (2006)

Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts. The first part is called "The Pledge". The magician shows you something ordinary, a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Perhaps he asks you to inspect it to see if it is indeed real, unaltered, normal. But of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn". The magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary. Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled. But you wouldn't clap yet. Because making something disappear isn't enough; you have to bring it back. That's why every magic trick has a third act, the hardest part, the part we call "The Prestige".

This film had me from those words, and those words alone. I knew, without knowing who the director was before this film popped up in 2006 I was in for mind bending and fundemantal treat from start to finish and thats what I got. The story, Two magicians, ambitious, brilliantly giften with their talent but with one curse, the curse of obsession, jelousy and envy for ones self
To put it simply, I am quite in love with this film, there is something about magic I have always loved, adored and at the same time envy such a talent. This film, brings magic to life but to a more serious and fundermental  scale, mixing science with magic with great plots and twist which to me leaves the entire film as one great magic trick.

The Social Network (2010)

Intelligent, funny and insulting to ones intelligence of computer coding to people who can barely turn it on let alone to be able got on this website to read this review.

This film may not surpass the views to the members of the facebook website but its very much well worth a watch. Its story is mainly about friendship, betrayal, the ownership and the creation of the well know social network called facebook which at first to some may not seem very interesting as I am sure many are quite sick of such a website but the story works really well with its great drama and cast to where you are enthralled in to this film.

Each individual actor from Jesse Eisenberg to Justin Timberlake do a brilliant job of creating the emotion to the drama in the film and an excellent job creating of the truth of obsession for whenever its money or to the alienation of what facebook can create. The characters greatest moments is when they show their form of wits or intelligence, mainly using their wits as a way to insult or move forward in any conversation matter, I can say this happens in almost every conversation in this film and that these scenes of when this is happening is the most memorable thing about the film so to me is shocking because films usually have better memorable moments in films not memorable dialogue which makes a lovely change.

The film is inspiring in many ways to what one can accomplish through the internet for either fame, women, money or perhaps getting some mountain dew pop us on to our well know website. The Social Network does not leave you happy or sad, it leaves you thinking and that is the greatness of this film and what we should appreciate about it. Overall an amazing film, a great use of plot and direction which also shows some seedy truth of political dilemmas, a brilliant script to which may not be one hundred percent accurate to what actually happened but will leave you inspired and thumped to which would be worth to anyone's DVD or Blu-Ray collection.

The Lovely Bones (2009)

This film did a really good job of annoying me if that's a good thing, with a terrible ending and some never ending whispering to create suspense but when you think its stopped it just keeps going on with the whispering and again and again and again...

The story, is about a young teenage girl called Susie Salmon (Saoirse Ronan) who lives a normal happy life with her family and is just beginning to experience the feelings of love but when she takes the shortcut home through the crops near her school she is murdered by her neighbour George Harvey (Stanley Tucci) Susie then ends up in the world of hereafter or as I like to call it never land where she struggles to except the truth and let go of what has happened. George Harvey thinking that he has got away with it he soon begins to feel like he can get back to normal routine with ease but unknowing that the urge for him to commit his crimes will soon return and will become the end of him.

The beginning of the film is quite good to be honest which sets the film up that it will be a crime, suspense thriller and it was great to see what is going through the criminals mind from how he soon crumbles to the point to when he will commit his next murder but its not long that the film decides to crumble itself with its overdone special effects with hereafter and the melodrama plot that the film decides to take feeling almost like a twilight film.

The actors do a good job to attempt to hold the film together , I would especially say Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci and Rachel Weisz do the best job in their roles in this film, even Susan Sarandon did an amusing job in this film but it didn't last long sadly to say. There probably one more good and only point of the film and would be that the world or the middle world of hereafter is very artistic and surreal but that also makes it its problem and doesn't do the film any favours whatsoever, the original book might be a work of fiction but the effects in the film almost drag it to a world of pointless fantasy.

The ending is probably one of the worst moments in the film, out of all the ideas it could of taken and what the film leading you to believe what will happen to which you think George Harvey will get what he deserves he gets deaf by icicle. I guess Peter Jackson decided to watch The Final Destination one day and thought how to piss us off like that film did to most people.

Overall a misleading, annoying and aggravating film which I will not even waste time writting a proper overall for it.

Monday 25 July 2011

Sunshine (2007)

Directed by the well respected Danny Boyle, the creator of Twenty Eight Days later and Slumdog Millionaire and with his skills to the science fiction film Sunshine he doesn't let his guard down. Sunshine is not just a science fiction film, it could easily mix itself in to the horror genre of the loneliness of space, the realities and dangers that just one mess up can create and that we don't need any aliens in space for it to be a horror which hundreds and films and directors have relied on many times and failed miserably.

The story of Sunshine, our sun is dying along with the human races hope, with one already failed mission from the Icarus I for their plan to re-ignite the sun with the payload to create a star within a star they have one last chance to set things right with the Icarus II , a crew of eight  with the same mission.  It's their and only chance they have left to set things right for the human race where they will question their hope and sanity in the darkness reaches space which action will become their only way of survival. I would say itself that its the story is what makes this film, I am gratefully glad that it wasn't like any other typical science fiction film where people try and rip-off Alien, what I would say for this is that it's what Event Horizon should have been or at least Event Horizon left its mark on Danny Boyle to create a more realistic story.  Religion comes in to this film which I thought it was a great idea to add to its story and the direction of the film making it feel even more realistic and the reality of what space can do to such people.

The effects in this film are beyond brilliant, you could almost be hypnotised by the suns effects which are show in the film many times.  It is beautiful and amazing and I can understand why the sun has an effect on such characters in the film.  I said at the beginning at this film it could be classed as a horror film and it can be for many reasons, it is spot on showing how lonely space is and what that can have on the physiological effects on people. This leaves this film to be very dark and thought provoking to what people go through when astronaut's go in to space and the reality of space is like.

Music is another greatness to this film, it grasps you really well to what the person is feeling without using script or words in some of the important bits of the action in the film which leaves the hairs stick up and tingle all afternoon and gets you really enthralled in the film.

All the actors give a spot on performances in the film, they bring you in the film and make it reality. It is probably some of the best acting I have seen from Chris Evans and Cillian Murphy, especially Chris Evans which at many times throughout I felt quite sorry for him because if they had listened to him none of the problems which occur would have never really have happened. What a bunch of *****

Overall a dark but beautiful film which I think is quite underrated and is a must see to anyone.