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Thursday 2 August 2012

Source Code (2011)

Story, Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhall) wakes up onto a passenger train to Chicago but all is not what it seems, familiar surroundings are not so familiar and all that he remembers was his last mission in Afghanistan. He awakes to a fellow friend, Christina Warren (Michelle Monhagan) but as not even recognizer her he begins panic as her stating him as another name entirely. As more shocking events start to accur as he discovers his entire identity to be completely different eight minutes later the train he travels on explodes killing everyone on board by some form of bomb. He awakens yet again in a capsule, and ordered questions and instructions to a new mission called the "Source Code" find the bomber, where is the bomb, eight minutes back and back again into a parallel world or a possible reality to which true events will occur he does not end this threat. Fuled by the milarity skills and the memories of his loving father he sets out to save the passengers of the train. After contious fails, no progress gained and no relative information given to him for his reasons of this task he sets off not to just to save the passengers but himself from the military grasp. Maybe more meets this Parrell world, maybe more meets this "Source Code"

Jake Gyllenhall gives a beyond impressive performance in this film, with not such a noticeable cast among audiences to notice he holds his ground and shows/portrays strong character development from start to finish, it almost seems interesting to learn about his character past and present, why he needs to do to complete his task. Michelle Monhagan as a supporting role also holds her ground and at times become the cheeky love interest to Jake Gyllenhall character. Action, there is not much action to behold unless the smarts of the story count. This could become such a problem to certain mainstream audience to find such a film interesting to some viewers and could be forgotten quite easily amongst the world of film which is such a shame in a lot of respects to Duncan Jones second film direct, his first been the 2009 film Moon. With the script and the full feel you get from watching the film, you can certainly tell there is the Duncan Jones twist in the mist of the direction of the film from start to finish with some small elements which could slightly relate to the film Moon which I think is great to see and also brings me quite a lot of joy to see what else this director has in store for us in the many years to come. There is however only one problem I have this film is that it has quite predictable scenes with events of time travel of which a character already knows events of which are about to occur but this is certainly no major problem to the films whole idea. You would after watching this film once that it would not really hold any re-watch value but to me its always nice to see parts of which you may not have given much attention to the first time round, an example would be knowing who did what but of course I will not spoil that one. 

Overall, and very  mind bending and iconic film in some ways which will dazzle the mind, and perhaps dazzle ones mind into quantum mechanics with the idea of one taking more action in life with its very moving ending .

"What would you do if you knew you had less than a minute to live?"


  1. I loved this one, i'm glad to see you enjoyed it also. Great review, man.

  2. Thank you Rodders, I am hoping we see more films like this in the future, especially from Duncan Jones :)

  3. Excellent review Bradley:)
    This film really suprised me & I loved it.

    I dont know what I would do if I had less than a minute to live...this film really makes u think about it.

  4. It certainly does Leeloo, from start to finish :) and thank you.
