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Monday 6 August 2012

The Crow (1994)

"It Can't Rain All The Time"

Story, "People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right" Eric Draven (Brandon Lee) a young guitarist with the love of his life, fiancĂ©e Shelly are planning to get married on Halloween but are attacked and killed by thugs who are hired by a man called Top Dollar (Michael Wincott), the gangster or ruler of the city. A year has past since the event of Eric Draven and Shelly's death, with Halloween on its way again but this time it shall bring justice from the fire of Eric Draven's past. 

Brandon Lee shows a determination performance in his character, to seek justice, revenge and retribution while the Crow itself shows him the way to what he needs to succeed and survive. A true and memorable piece of acting from a person who has become such an iconic actor through this film due to his much saddened death in the making of The Crow. What I believe is that there could of been such a great future of of this actor, I can honestly could have seen him rival such brilliant actors as Johnny Depp or perhaps could of played Heath Ledgers Joker, it a such a shame that we will never see such a future from this actor and my heart really goes out to him been this film been part of my childhood for so many years and hopefully my future. I am not familar with the comics but the behold such a dark tone to film, not just with characters and gore but the entire atmosphere of the whole film, even the mysteriously looking and run down city has this very dark, industrial  reminds of such films like Escape from New York. Michael Wincott shows true dark villainy with his character but also some form of sadistic charm with it, a charm which which most of the main characters  seem to form as the film moves on. What I really love about this film is the true energy to show that nothing is trivial in life, that we should cherish each moment together, that everything matters when it is love. With this you really feel the pain coming and bursting out of Eric Draven to show this is his main fuel to help him punish the ones responsible for Shelly's death and suffering. 

Action, we have guns, knifes, gore, martial arts, with Brandon Lee and the direction of Alex Proyas, this is what you get. We probably get one the most memorable comic book films of the early nineties. There is also the very thearitical humour of which comes from Brandson's Lee charcter of Eric Draven which we can not help fall in love with when he goes in guns blazing and black lipstick on quoting the poem The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.

"Little things used to mean so much to Shelly- I used to think they were kind of trivial. Believe me, nothing is trivial" 

Overall, a film no one should ever miss watching through their life even if they where to dislike it, a truly memorable dark film from the nineties, surely one I will never forget.  

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