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Thursday 16 August 2012

Tarzan (1999)

The first thing I remember about this Tarzan film would have to be the opening scene of how Tarzan became, well.. Tarzan to put it simply, the second would have to be the main theme song of Tarzan called Two Worlds. The song itself almost makes the entire film completely giving that jungle feel to the film itself in one little beat. Mentioning the music I have to say at some points hard-core Disney lovers may not like this as there is only really one song done in the style of a musical but to me been less music in it worked brilliantly well and I thought it was great that they worked more on the story rather than the next memorable Disney tune like the ones in the Lion King films. 

Characters in this film are very loveable, especially 
Tarzan and his companions which are show with him from when he was a little boy to a man or to a monkey to a gorilla...The relastionship between Tarzan and Jane is probably one of the best pieces of how the story is put together in the film because it is also how Tarzan learns about where he came from which also brings up many beautiful scenes and images of human history. Action is done quite amazing in this film as Tarzan himself is an amazing acrobat which he spends most of the time vine swinging a manoeuvring himself through the tree's instead of brawling like the average primate. Some of the style of the animation put into the action is done very well and is very realistic when scenery is involved from the sketched out backgrounds especially in the scenes with the leopards and baboons. 

Tarzan is also a film when it is trying to be funny it actually is funny where as in some cartoon films you can be just glaring at the screen thinking erm no. The expressions coming from Tarzan and how he acts when he first runs into Jane and her exploration party let's say is will leave you with a snigger of laughter but it won't leave you in stitches but it does the job.I thought one of the memorable scenes in this film would be when Tarzan walks out in a suit of his real fathers after he is shown where he really came from, to me it shows that he r wants to be part of the human society and also be with the people where he truly belongs as throughout the film Tarzan explains or shows that he has always felt different and un-wanted from his clan. There is of course love been a Disney film, to me I don't think it was really needed but I guess without Jane he would never have wanted to find out where he came from. 

Overall an amazing Disney film, it may not please hard-core Disney lovers with its lack songs and its different style of animation but nothing you shouldn't be able to let go of anytime soon. Plus it also has a Beauty and the Beast reference in it which I thought was good, beside the point though... I think.

The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1996)

One of my many childhood favorites, a great tale about Quasimodo the "Half Formed" human living on top of the lovely bell tower of Notre Dame living a lonely life forbidden to never set outside the bell tower by the orders of his master Frollo. Frollo ridden with guilt/hatred and fear of killing his mother twenty years ago he raises the boy feeling that he will be punished into hell for his crimes against the gypsies and his mother even though he considers them as theifs, witches and not part of their society he does everything in his power to remove them. This is a tale about friendship, trust, love, equality and betrayal and is done very well, made for all the family people will certainly enjoy this. 

The wonders of been older make you understand the concept of it more with its jokes and story, its meaning of "who is the monster and who is the man" and to not judge others for been different. Characters are great in this film especially Clopin Trouillefou which I clearly had to look up but he really makes the film with his humour and story-telling. Other brilliant characters would be the Gaurdians and friends of Quasimodo, these Gargoyle gaurdians never move for others apart from when Quasimodo is around which can make you believe it is his only his conscience speaking to him in his own way. Quasimodo may not be respected but is certainly talented and is a great character, from modelmaking to an amazing acrobat with great strength which truly shows that you should never judge.

The music in this film, especially its main theme is quite addictive to get in your head and of course been Disney is done rather well. I wouldn't say it matches up to The Lion King or Jungle Book but it is nice to see more of a classical side to Disney's music. CGI and animation is beautifully done in this film mainly coming from Notre Dame itself with lighting and smoke effects. Shockingly there are quite a few crule scenes in this film especially after the festival when Quasimodo is tied up and tortued which leave this film as quite a dark one which is quite shocking considering Disney usually make films that are obviously happy and try and hide the dark tone but this is thrown right out in front for us all to view. 

Overall a great film from Walt Disney which I think is easily forgotten, a great tale set in a great time. 

GoldenEye (1995)

Before I get onto the story of this film there is a few things I have to get off my chest, firstly now the years have passed you get to notice that this film can be quite childish at times from the extremely corny but lovely one liners that come of Pierce Brosnon which we either love or hate, the scene where Pierce decides to get into a tank even though there was a tank right next to him when he gazes his man whore eyes at the tank in the distance and when Pierce takes out the horse winged statue with the tank which somehow manages to stay on the tank all the way through the scene which at times ruins the maturity of the film but do we still love it, perhaps. 

Story sets of with James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) and Alec Treveylan (Saun Bean) committing a raid on a chemical weapons plant in the soviet union where unfortunately they are captured, however James Bond manages to escape but the same can't be said for Alec Treveylan. Later on Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen) commits a raid of her own on a secret military base with the help of her malicious soldiers and steals the controls of an high tech weapons satellite system called GoldenEye, after getting what she needs she removes all witnesses from the equation killing everyone in the military base for the only one who is left alive Natalya Simonova (Izabella Scorupco) who joins up with James Bond in hope to stop Xenia Onatopp committing further disasters with the power of the GoldenEye. 

Characters, well I have to say all performances are pretty top notch apart from the cheesiness of melodrama coming from Pierce Brosnan and Izabella Scorupco, to me I would consider Sean Bean, Famke Janssen and Alan Cumming to be the best characters they play through the entire film, funny enough it's the villains with best job than the hero's in this film, especially Famke Janssen who seems to get a little bit excited when killing people. Q played by Desmond Llewelyn is the most loveable character in the film, whenever I watch a James Bond I always look forward to his appearance and it is uttermost a shame that he is no longer with the world.

Action is almost perfect apart from what I mentioned above, it adds all the elements of action into most of the scenes as possible from exploding trains, cars helicopters and pens. Overall if you can get passed the one liners coming from Pierce Brosnan character and some immaturity you'll certainly have an enjoyable watch of this film.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Wallace & Gromit: The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit (2005)

Story, the creative Wallace, inventor extraordinaire and Gromit, the brains of most and everything, now in charge of the Anti Pesto rabbit defence against the village prized vegetables of the up-coming vegetable competition. But now as the full moon approaches they will have up the defences the Were-Rabbit draws near.

 Now take the style of Steve Box and Nick Park with a classic horror style of a were-wolf you get Wallace & Gromit's next adventure with lots of slapstick humour, a purely brilliant with old fashioned British tongue and the stop motion from the clay animation is some of the best you can get which truly shows you do not need to rely on pure CGI to create such a wonderful tale. The action sequences shows some of the most creative sides to animation you will ever see, some I believe to reference old shows of Wallace and Gromits adventures, especially a sequence involving the fight between Gromit and Victors hound on the plane which really reminds me of an original scene with a train which I have seen countless times in animation museums to show of the style of stop motion camera.

As I mentioned before the slapstick style is actually done really well, I have never really beed fond of such humour but the film left me laughter which I never thought it would. Been that I have seen this before I never seemed interested in watching this film at first, I believe this has something to with style of the story referring to films of were-wolfs we have always seen before. This in some ways I believe that this  let the film down and does not live up to the classic Chicken Run tale which were also created Steve Box and Nick Park. Chicken Run was completely new and interesting idea to personify such creatures, with exciting personalities that we could all love with the added evil villain that perhaps a child and adult could relate to that we all probably get throughout our life. In conselation though we do get a mass of amount of human side characters, this does make up for it in some ways as they are mostly the core of which the slapstick does originate from and they give of some of the more creative lines of the film.

The voice acting is as creative as the film, you would not expect Helen Bonham Carter to play a role for such a film but does great for what she is given and really does brilliant job shaping her characters personality from start to finish. Overall this film may exceed its Chicken Run preprocessor but keeps true to style and creative of the original Wallace and Gromit which will keep entertained throughout.

Monday 6 August 2012

The Crow (1994)

"It Can't Rain All The Time"

Story, "People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right" Eric Draven (Brandon Lee) a young guitarist with the love of his life, fiancĂ©e Shelly are planning to get married on Halloween but are attacked and killed by thugs who are hired by a man called Top Dollar (Michael Wincott), the gangster or ruler of the city. A year has past since the event of Eric Draven and Shelly's death, with Halloween on its way again but this time it shall bring justice from the fire of Eric Draven's past. 

Brandon Lee shows a determination performance in his character, to seek justice, revenge and retribution while the Crow itself shows him the way to what he needs to succeed and survive. A true and memorable piece of acting from a person who has become such an iconic actor through this film due to his much saddened death in the making of The Crow. What I believe is that there could of been such a great future of of this actor, I can honestly could have seen him rival such brilliant actors as Johnny Depp or perhaps could of played Heath Ledgers Joker, it a such a shame that we will never see such a future from this actor and my heart really goes out to him been this film been part of my childhood for so many years and hopefully my future. I am not familar with the comics but the behold such a dark tone to film, not just with characters and gore but the entire atmosphere of the whole film, even the mysteriously looking and run down city has this very dark, industrial  reminds of such films like Escape from New York. Michael Wincott shows true dark villainy with his character but also some form of sadistic charm with it, a charm which which most of the main characters  seem to form as the film moves on. What I really love about this film is the true energy to show that nothing is trivial in life, that we should cherish each moment together, that everything matters when it is love. With this you really feel the pain coming and bursting out of Eric Draven to show this is his main fuel to help him punish the ones responsible for Shelly's death and suffering. 

Action, we have guns, knifes, gore, martial arts, with Brandon Lee and the direction of Alex Proyas, this is what you get. We probably get one the most memorable comic book films of the early nineties. There is also the very thearitical humour of which comes from Brandson's Lee charcter of Eric Draven which we can not help fall in love with when he goes in guns blazing and black lipstick on quoting the poem The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.

"Little things used to mean so much to Shelly- I used to think they were kind of trivial. Believe me, nothing is trivial" 

Overall, a film no one should ever miss watching through their life even if they where to dislike it, a truly memorable dark film from the nineties, surely one I will never forget.  

Thursday 2 August 2012

Source Code (2011)

Story, Captain Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhall) wakes up onto a passenger train to Chicago but all is not what it seems, familiar surroundings are not so familiar and all that he remembers was his last mission in Afghanistan. He awakes to a fellow friend, Christina Warren (Michelle Monhagan) but as not even recognizer her he begins panic as her stating him as another name entirely. As more shocking events start to accur as he discovers his entire identity to be completely different eight minutes later the train he travels on explodes killing everyone on board by some form of bomb. He awakens yet again in a capsule, and ordered questions and instructions to a new mission called the "Source Code" find the bomber, where is the bomb, eight minutes back and back again into a parallel world or a possible reality to which true events will occur he does not end this threat. Fuled by the milarity skills and the memories of his loving father he sets out to save the passengers of the train. After contious fails, no progress gained and no relative information given to him for his reasons of this task he sets off not to just to save the passengers but himself from the military grasp. Maybe more meets this Parrell world, maybe more meets this "Source Code"

Jake Gyllenhall gives a beyond impressive performance in this film, with not such a noticeable cast among audiences to notice he holds his ground and shows/portrays strong character development from start to finish, it almost seems interesting to learn about his character past and present, why he needs to do to complete his task. Michelle Monhagan as a supporting role also holds her ground and at times become the cheeky love interest to Jake Gyllenhall character. Action, there is not much action to behold unless the smarts of the story count. This could become such a problem to certain mainstream audience to find such a film interesting to some viewers and could be forgotten quite easily amongst the world of film which is such a shame in a lot of respects to Duncan Jones second film direct, his first been the 2009 film Moon. With the script and the full feel you get from watching the film, you can certainly tell there is the Duncan Jones twist in the mist of the direction of the film from start to finish with some small elements which could slightly relate to the film Moon which I think is great to see and also brings me quite a lot of joy to see what else this director has in store for us in the many years to come. There is however only one problem I have this film is that it has quite predictable scenes with events of time travel of which a character already knows events of which are about to occur but this is certainly no major problem to the films whole idea. You would after watching this film once that it would not really hold any re-watch value but to me its always nice to see parts of which you may not have given much attention to the first time round, an example would be knowing who did what but of course I will not spoil that one. 

Overall, and very  mind bending and iconic film in some ways which will dazzle the mind, and perhaps dazzle ones mind into quantum mechanics with the idea of one taking more action in life with its very moving ending .

"What would you do if you knew you had less than a minute to live?"

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Cars 2 (2011)

"Ka chow"

Well that gets annoying...

Story, Lightning McQueen sets off in his next adventure in the first ever World Grand Prix to compete with his rival Francesco Bernoullo, While Mater sets of on his own action adventure becoming a secret spy and meeting some double O's along his mission to save the Grand Prix. And that's that, been a Pixar you would believe the film to have some for deep emotional and inspirational feel to film which you would think they would understand after the wide success of Up and their other great success Toy Story but sadly to say they do not. This really lets the film down straight away and this doesn't help to find the funny side at all to the film, I know the film is meant for kids but Pixar have always made films which can relate to adults as well and this is usually the key idea of kids films today to grasp a more wider audience but it sadly doesn't which is such a shame to some respect.

Visuals are highly impressive as always coming from Pixar but I feel In this film they have really tried to mask this poor film with such effects and the actor Michael Cain who voice acts secret agent Finn McMissile, thinking that people will just see the film as cool just because of him. However great Michael Cain may obviously be a really hate it when people obviously cast actors for such a purpose. I don't really feel Owen Wilson was such a great idea for the film just in general, it was obviously a great way to show his narcasist values in the first film for him at least develop his character into a more nicer and loveable McQueen but as his character did not learn anything at all from the first film at all. Owen Wilson does a good job voice acting McQueen but the voice at all doesn't seem to be fitting with character as well but this could just be me.

Action gets a bit obvious after a little while after one barrel exploding after another, and another, and well another which does not do the film any real justice as been a new car film except the spy factor of the story. Been that the whole spy idea as well is such an obvious way to move on from a car film and I don't think this was the right idea moving onto this for a  sequel, I am no film writer but I would of loved to see some form of emotional conflict with McQueen rather focusing on Mater, perhaps a long lost selfish father or two? and to involve more lines to come from the main characters which were in the first film as these are the main ones viewers will have grown to love.

Overall a very annoying a predictable film with nothing fresh to warm the heart but only the eyes, at least they visited Japan...

Monday 23 July 2012

Moon (2009)

Welcome to the Moon...

Story, Sam bell (Sam Rockwell) a secluded  mining extractor on our well know distant neighbour the moon for helium gases to help resolve earth's energy crisis but Sam bell finally  nearing the end of his three year long contract may reach insanity first rather than Earth. Probably already succumbed to loneliness way before three years, his only friends  been  Gerty  (voiced by Kevin Spacey)  he  soon starts to have vivid hallucinations of his daughter and memory loss near the end of his three year contract to which he comes across a discovery where  it will leave him running into a very familiar face and questioning his very own existence. Without giving to much of the story away, when the film sets of it starts to leave you with questions

Characters, Sam Rockwell does an amazing performance with his roles which gives us a great understanding of the character he portrays throughout the film with the emotions and effects of what been really lonely can do to you. Kevin Spacey only doing a voice of an assistance AI may not have any main role but given what he does , he does it extremely well and I prefer his character than Sam's in some respects as been a character without a face the only way the emotions are portrayed through Gerty are smilies which we only usually see on the internet , it is  probably one of the best things and what I love about this character and what I liked in the film.

The main reasons to why I love this film is its style, its done very simply and gives of this very indie feel to it to which I love and it also used model miniatures during the film, I thought that was a really nice touch to it and was good to rely on old ideas and technology which really made it fresh, it almost makes it a shame that people do not really rely on model miniatures anymore. The last and the best thing I love about this is it's all about the story, there isn't really any form of action in this film, it's completely story driven on the phycology and Sam Rockwells life and that's what it should be.

Some other nice little touches in the film which I really loved would be Sam's belongings and the clothing he wears throughout, it gives a feel to what Sam used to be like and his life on Earth before he became so lonely and leaves the question to why he is even here in the first place.

Overall a nice simple film, to which it's nice to see something so simple in the vast amount of space.

Watchmen (2009)

"Who is watching the Watchmen?" 

Story is set during a cold war between two major super powers competing for nuclear power, America and Russia, a world where the remaining Watchmen are either wanted criminals, retired or doing the best they can to help make peace between Russia and America. The direction of this film is utterly so in-depth showing you the truth of the American dream you really do not feel like you have missed anything if you have never read the comics. The film will also spend most of its time going back to past events which shown how the characters have developed to what they are in present, which mainly show their scars and healed roles. A great aspect of the film so to me I feel its so we  believe that these characters are just as damaged as any other normal human being, they are not Superman, they are not Spiderman, they are just normal as any human in this set world.

Characters which I'll start with Jeffrey Morgan who plays as the Comedian, to me the best character of film which other characters in film consider him to be a ruthless killer and even a Nazi. He basically strips down people to a reality to what the world and people are really like and becomes a parody of this world showing the truth of this American dream. Billy Crudup who plays Dr. Manhatton which he is pretty much complete CGI and is considered by many in this film as a God, he has the power to construct and deconstruct the bonds in objects, people and matter which makes him also have the ability to create and destroy life. Malin Akerman who plays Silk Spectre II is the character that just mainly wants to fit in now into reality and live a normal life. Patrick Wilson who plays Nite Owl is the second character who basically has had enough with his super hero role and wants to fit to the real world but finds it hard to let go with the events happening around him. Mathew Goode plays Ozymandias who used his super hero status to become a multi-millionaire, considered the smartest of the bunch he uses his wealth to create idea that would change the world forever. Jackie Haley who plays Rorshach, clinging to his masked superhero status, not feeling there is anything out 
for him in the real world, he hates everything and everyone but will seek the truth by any means necessary.

The acting can be quite of and on at times, even coming of way to serious and corny at certain parts, especially coming from Rorsharch's gravel tone and Nite Owl/Silk Spectre's love plot which I think comes off a bit unneeded leading away from the main plot of story which should have always been the main focus for the film but something so small is something I can forgive.

Action in this film is brilliant and choreographed excellently well, there are some unnecessary scenes of violence in this film and sex scenes but it doesn't make you hate the film in any particular way. CGI is top notch in quality, down to the slightest detail which really immerses you into the universe of the Watchmen. Overall with one of the most memorable film openings with the formation and the loss of the Watchmen, as well as the opening fight scene it is probably one of the most brilliant comic book adaptions I have ever seen which will leave many other comic book adaptions feeling childish and un-worthy for many years to come.

Friday 20 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Is this the end of Gotham and Batman, Wayne is weak and the people he lost and know are slipping away, he is broken mentally and physically to the point of which he feels lost with himself and the future of Batman. His close friend Alfred (Michael Cain) wants him to move on from the Batman as he knows deeply that Bruce Wayne will lose to the point of death. The people are fed a lie to the Harvey Dent act making Batman into the criminal which turns the city against him and leave Bruce wayne to retreat from the battle. With certain acts start to occur he soon knows that "There is a storm coming" but what, who is the masked mercenary called Bane, what is his past, how will the legend end?

There is much said that this film does not exceed the The Dark Knight but with all respect I do feel that this comes from the grips of fans not wanting to leave the world of Heath Ledgers Joker however brilliantly dark/remarkable his performance was. They are equally portrayed to great lengths but the main core which shows a form of difference would be the key focus of the villains style, The Dark Knight's main aim was to tests Batmans mentality but with Rise is to test Batmans physical strength but of course without the concept of wanting to see Gothams destruction. I would say Tom Hardy's shows of and at the same time impress's me with his performance, It is something I have not seen of Tom Hardy and I almost feel that this skill would not of been achieved if it was not the direction of Christopher Nolan but I do hope that we see this certain skill of acting in Tom Hardy's career.

The action within the film has some very spetacular scenes of realism of pure strenght, you really see the core emotion of which comes from Bane and Batman to a point where you can feel the physical struggle between each character. Aside from the familar faces It was nice to see new ones along the road, especially Marion Cotillard and Joseph Levitt from the world of the film Inception. But wih this, also comes a new face to world of the Christopher Nolans films, Anne Hathaway as the suductive Catwomen, she plays the roles perfectly, sexually, sedutivly, agile and erotic. A face I will surely miss till the Blu-Ray release. I also enjoyed a cheeky un-relevant cast of one of the detectives from the TV series of Dexter. The film direction and structure is beyond perfect from start to finish with style and skill all at the same time which leaves me with no complaints with the film except one. I dislike pretty much all of the side actors within the film where some would seem to peering of not even payin attention to their small roles however with such a big cast you cannot help to have some mishaps.

Conclusion, a brilliant trilogy and a last film that was well worth the wait. A part of me wants to see this again and happily accept a forth film but I doubt the legenday Nolan would attend to such a thing which I respct and secretly hate all at the same time.

Sunday 13 May 2012

13 Assassins (2011)

Story, The evil Lord Naritsugu is set to ascend to the Shogun council where his only plans aim is set to bring insanity and war to its people. The opening scene brings a man committing Hara Kiri, this to me is all takes for the film to draw you into its grasp, why did this person commit such an act, an act of honour, or cowardliness?  The first hour of this film mainly focuses on character development as we need to find the 13 Assassins as well as develop an understanding to why these men would throw their lives up to go against Lord Naritsugu, with this hour we also learn the true fear and power of what Lord Naritsugu is capable off and the reason of why this man needs to be laid to rest so he will never ascend to the Shogun council.

The next forty fives minutes shows a truly remarkable fight scene of blood and honour and will leave many people who view this film breathless. This film also shows that you do not need a mass amount of CG to create such a masterpiece which is most likely my main enjoyment of this film. I am sure at certain points of this film I have not even noticed certain parts of this film had even used CG, it at times seemed that realistic. This film is not only about blood but the honour of the Samurai, one of the main commanders for Lord Naritsugu is fully aware that his Lord is set to commit such horrendous acts but by his code he shall follow him to his death, this shows true commitment of what the Samurai where like back in those days and that they where fully prepared to sacrifice themselves for others to live on.

Now the ending of this film is pure genius, with this ending we encounter success and failure, Lord Naritsugu shows his true colours at the end and we feel sadness but honour for the people who sacrificed themselves to defeat Lord Naritsugu. The acting is pure seriousness, some may say this could have been one downfall with this film but Takeshi Miike, the director of this film has my uttermost respect as I would say without seriousness, I would not imagine this film to do so well. The photography,camera lightning and direction of this film is purely brilliant with sets that show such pure detail in historical Japanese buildings as well as the effects off blood, gore and the layouts for the final fight scene which I would say shows true effort in the creation of this film

Out of the full cast I would say Koji Yakusho (Shinzaemon Shimada)  did the best performance in this film, been the leader of the thirteen assassins his acting ability to bring the true honour of the samurai to life shows good reason and helps hold other less well know actors together. The remaining twelve Samurai show their agility and skill which adds the more brutal side of the film which I'm sure most people would be looking forward to while viewing this historical action epic.

Overall a brutal,bloody and brilliant film all in one, a true set masterpiece that will leave feeling the need for more. Lets not commit Hara Kiri over such delight to express our honour for this film.

Saturday 12 May 2012

The Dark Knight (2008)

Story, the mob seems to be diminishing from Gotham been under threat by the power of a "White Knight" Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart)  but near its success comes a new threat, an unknown criminal called the Joker (Heath Ledger) who set with a game, a game to set Gotham into Chaos and has no fear off bringing insanity to the field.  We all know this film is great, simply by the structure of the story and this is all through the power of Christopher Nolan, I wonder if he himself will make some form of superhero status after the completion off the third film *crosses fingers* With his ability, the story of the Batman becomes even darker with his nemisis on the field, The Joker who would of know what chaos this film brings to the screen, but we all love it. the Joker knows the Batman, he knows what he is inside, what he fights for and will turn it against him at all cost just to play his game, a game with no ending. 

To me myself, what I love mainly about this film is the soundtrack, that's right with all of its greatness, from the acting of Heath Ledger or the acting Christian Bale its the soundtrack created by the infamous Hanz Zimmer. The soundtrack to The Dark Knight is riddled with suspense to where he creates its atmosphere and how we feel while watching this film. Its main song, titled "Why So Serious" the theme of the Joker brings nine minutes of terrifying music which will leave you at the edge of your seat through beginning to end. 

Now lets get to the acting and Heath Ledger of course who portrays the Joker, he brings the character to the joker so terrifyingly to life its almost to what it may have an effect on younger audiences or just people in general. Its rare occasion to that Heath Ledgers performers is probably one of the greatest I have ever seen, its all such a shame that such a talented actor is not with us today. Now Christian Bales Batman, he does a good job, I have no complaints but there isn't much new from him even though I do consider him to be one of my favourite actors of all time but it would have been more interesting to see some form of other emotion from at least the Bruce Wayne character.  The remaining actors, well there is quite an interesting remaining cast, the legendary Michael Cain, Morgan Freeman with there very meaningful one liners of dialogue witch help Batman to victory but to say the least, we love it. The critically acclaimed Gary Oldman, I would say stands alone from the rest of the actors which really shows his talent to the screen. Finally, Maggie Gyllenhaal does a great job of Rachel Dawes with big shoes to replace after the previous actor Katie Homes who Rachel Dawnes in Batman Begins.  

Now we all love a film with action but I'd say balances the film out perfectly, not to much action to make us brain-dead but satisfy's out needs of watchman batman succeed in his fights. Story and action in serenity is what this film utilizses perfectly which makes me appreciate the film very much more. I have already talked about actors and I thought you would think I was about to forget about Aaron Eckart who portrays Harvey Dent, now his acting is good, very "white knight" to how his character is portrayed but he also does a great job of his demise and the creation of Harvey's other side where the strive for justice soon takes its toll to something almost as similar to the Joker. 

Overall, simply an outstanding and unforgettable film, dark and disturbing it will inevitably satisfy us all. Its brings fear and worry to what will behold in the third film, will its success become greater or will it stumble down the rabbit hole, lets hope the Christopher Nolan does us well for Batman's future. 

"And... here... we... go!"